Meet the HPC group event 2023
The HPC group invited both users and potential users to a social event on campus on October 3, 2023. The event was a success, with attendees from different research communities participating in interesting talks and discussions. We covered topics including an introduction to the HPC group, job scripts, reproducible examples, and cost models. During the event, we had a Q&A session where attendees could ask any questions they had. We received insightful questions and were pleased to see our attendees engaging with us. We continued with good discussions after the session as well with the attendees who wished to help us eat the leftover pizza.
Overall, we are happy with how the event turned out. We were able to connect with our users and had a good time sharing our knowledge. We are excited for the next event!
If you have any ideas or wishes for topics for us to cover next time, please contact us. We are also open to smaller, more focused talks targeted to your research group.
![Much pizza was eaten](/blog/outreach-pizza.jpg)