High-performance computing group at UiT - We are NRIS at UiT!

When your computation does not fit anymore into your computer, we are the group to talk to.

About the group

We are part of the Norwegian Research Infrastructure Services (NRIS). Within UiT we are part of the faggruppa for forsknings og formidlingstjenester.

We have in-house expertise in operating clusters and networks with hundreds of nodes, thousands of cores, and petabytes of data. We have experts in software installation, code performance optimization, CPU and GPU programming, and research software engineering.

Here you can meet the team.

About NRIS

The Norwegian research infrastructure services (NRIS) is a collaboration between Sigma2 and the universities of Bergen (UiB), Oslo (UiO), Tromsø (UiT The Arctic University of Norway) and NTNU, to provide national supercomputing and data storage services. These services are operated by NRIS and coordinated and managed by Sigma2.

Our goals

How to get in touch

Office hours

Need help with anything high-performance computing or NRIS related? Or do need more computing power than your laptop can provide? Then visit us during our office hours. Every Wednesday 13:00-15:00 in room A209 in Modulbygget.