UiT's HPC Group Meets Machine Learning Group

The High-Performance Computing (HPC) group at UiT The Arctic University of Norway recently hosted an outreach event with the Machine Learning group at the research park. The purpose of the event was for the Machine Learning group and other groups at the research park to learn about us and the resources we offer. To encourage further collaboration, we also wanted to hear about their research and how we could help them.

Jørn presenting RSE
Jørn presenting RSE.

Introducing HPC Resources

During the event, we took the opportunity to introduce ourselves and the resources we work on. Highlighting the GPU capabilities within the national systems Saga and Betzy, as well as the European-level resource LUMI-G. These tools are essential for researchers who need significant computing power in particular with GPUs, which is often the case in fields like Machine Learning.

Offering a Helping Hand

We, the HPC group at UiT, wish to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to make the most out of these resources. We outlined the different types of support we offer, starting with basic email support for quick questions. For those needing a bit more guidance, office hours are available for face-to-face help.

For projects that require more intensive assistance, we provide extended user support, which can last up to five working days. And for those with even more complex needs, there's the Advanced User Support program, offering substantial help for up to three person-months over a six-month period, provided an application is submitted and approved.

The event also shone a light on the Research Engineering group, whose role is to help turn academic research into practical applications, especially those that can benefit from HPC.

Wrapping Up with Pizza

We ended the event with pizza and relaxed discussions among the attendees. This informal setting allowed everyone to chat about what they learned and explore potential collaborations.

The gathering was a simple yet effective way to bring our groups together with a shared interest in HPC and Machine Learning. It was a reminder that sometimes, the best way to build a community is by starting conversations over a slice of pizza.

Espen and Øystein serving Pizza.